My Feb 2025 Email To MB 
From a Prophetic Minister in Texas 
Dear Mike, 
I pray you are well my dear brother, and I am very sorry for the way you are being unjustly maligned. I’m James Crawford, a Texas prophetic minister who has been receiving countless prophecies about the current demonic onslaught of charismatic ministries and I feel very led by the Lord to contact you.  
While I have never met you, I have gleaned from your ministry a lot for over 20 years from a distance and I am VERY grateful for what you have taught and imparted to me personally and the many people I have impacted in my 23 years of full-time prophetic ministry. 
My Most Recent Revelation and Mandates 
I was trying to keep my nose out of the IHOPKC attacks and then the recent Tikkun investigation report in February came about you, and I was very sad again for you Mike. I know you didn’t do all that they are accusing you of and even if you did, I love you very much and I like many others I know forgive you! We are thankful for your obvious sacrifices you have made for millions.   
So, a few days before the report came out, I felt led to call our church to a 21-day Daniel fast. I had no idea the report was due to come out, but I did feel led to fast. Just recently I found out that IHOPKC felt led to fast around the same time and they did not know the report was due to come out either. 
When I saw the report, I went to my prayer closet and immediately a strong flow of revelation began. I also received a lot of revelation when these accusations first came out last year, but I’ll start with the most recent ones. 
Here is a picture of my prayer journal. (Warning: It’s sloppy lol)