Updated: We changed the url to this page so that the extra witnesses, Peter’s Pastor friend and James’ Pastor friend, we shared it with could no longer view it.
Peter can send it to his friends again if he wishes. We wanted to protect the anonymity of this delicate matter.
This temporary webpage is still unpublished and is only viewable by Peter, whoever he shares it with, Stacy, James, Jackie and some Father Heart staff. We will delete it asap.
Update From Stacy
I first want to give God glory and much thanksgiving for His amazing grace, steadfast love, and for His tender heart of reconciliation toward us, and for showing us how to reconcile with one another. Thank you Father.
Last night, we had a beautiful opportunity to meet on the phone with our dear brother Peter, myself, James, and Jackie. With Christ in the center of it all, heart-felt expressions were exchanged and constructive dialogue took place as the call continued.
It was beautiful and emotional to witness.
Colossians 3:13 so beautifully gives us wisdom to live by…
“Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”
Update From Jackie, James & Stacy
Yes we agree with Stacy and we are very optimistic that progress has been made. Thank you for meeting with us Peter! We have all 3 met to discuss possible next step scenarios.
Peter we would really appreciate and honor any and all ideas you have. Please do not hesitate to share.
James writes:
Peter I want to communicate how good it felt to be able to talk with you and share the deep remorse and sorrow I have over the sins I committed against you and your family. I pray that you will join me in ministering the Father’s Heart some day in the future as I know we could create a worldwide movement together with our testimony.
This morning thoughts began to flood my mind with those possible scenarios. People in every nation need a pure representation of Father’s love and restoration. I truly pray we can do something like online conferences together. I think it would explode!
Simmer down James!
From The Team:
We have included here a couple possible next step scenarios and questions for Peter.
Also, James wanted to pass along this Rick Warren video on resolving conflicts. He says this video is the most powerful video he’s ever found on restoring relationships. He just found it this morning.
Our End Goal:
We believe we made serious progress last night. We do not know how long it will take before full reconciliation takes place, but we are hopeful that it can. We all discussed these points this morning.
1- How can we gain Peter’s full trust so that he doesn’t feel like he needs to post publicly about our church or James?
2- What if more of our family members, church members and following become inflamed if they see the false claims of Jon and Ashley claiming we are a cult, that we abused them and stole their money, and the public display of James’s repented sins?
The latest arrest warrants, Stacy’s division of family, Holly’s division of her church home, have heightened our awareness of the serious nature of this situation.
3- How can we communicate these concerns to Peter in such a way that he feels comfortable with us moving forward, and still protect our beloved biological family & church family?
Our heart is to not push Peter away but also to be sure that if people we love reads those posts, they are not harmed by them.
Possible Next Step Scenarios:
1- We could start with the most glaring false post. We could gather Peter and the 7-10 staff and church members who witnessed first hand how we nurtured Jon and Ashley and how their story is laced with lies. We could also invite Jon and Ashley to the meeting if Peter prefers.
This would be a great start to possibly encouraging Peter to at least take down the untrue stuff.
Does this work for you Peter?
Do you have a different next step? We would celebrate your input dear Peter!
2- We are thinking we will have to communicate with our followers soon, that there are negative posts about us and convince them that we are not how those posts portray us.
If it takes awhile to remove them that is. We do not want to be pushy with Peter yet we still feel the obligation to protect our flock.
Peter can you see how we should relay this in such a way that does not cripple our forward progress toward reconciliation while yet making sure our followers are not harmed? We will work with you any way we can.
Thank you very much Peter for the progress we have made so far. We look forward to hearing from you.
Rick Warrens’ 6 Keys To Resolving Conflict
1) Make The First Move
2) Ask God For Wisdom
3) Begin With My Faults
4) Listen For Their Hurt
5) Speak The Truth Tactfully
6) Focus on Reconciliation, Not Resolution
Father Heart World Online Church, Inc.
Letter of Reconciliation to Peter Cafarelli
Stacy D. Kempter
Treasurer, Mediator
Dear Peter, I’m Stacy Kempter. On behalf of Father Heart, I want to first extend a sincere willingness to work through any issues you have with James and our church staff. We have no animosity towards you, and we only want to be a proponent of reconciliation in this delicate situation, not a threatening voice.
I serve as treasurer on the board of directors at Father Heart Church Inc. I have been assigned to make first contact with you and to inform you on how you may contact us directly. You may contact our church by phone or text anytime at 336-585-8080.
Please consider the following as this is truly from a heart of concern for you, our church family and a need to have healing for my family’s pain and others affected by your public posts against our church, our staff and our pastor.
My Pain
I love my family very much. When my brother and other family members read what you posted about James and our church staff, they became extremely aggressive towards us and now they will not even answer my messages.
Your post accused us of being a cult, it mentioned Jackie and our staff, and accused James of being a cult leader. Your posts actually divided me from my family.
This fruit is devastating to me, my family and my daughter. So now my little girl cannot even know her uncle and other family members. Your posts falsely accuse James and our church staff.
I understand why my family and others hate James and it’s all because of your posts, misrepresenting who he is and who our church is. Just like the Bible says “bitterness defiles many.” (Hebrews 12:15) So many are being defiled and it’s getting worse.
I am a firsthand witness of several of those lies posted by you. So are other staff members and people who have now come forward. You may not know they are lies but you posted them without calling any of us.
Jackie, Vik, James, Tammy, myself and others were staff members who saw exactly how our church loved and served Jon and Ashley. Your post about how our staff and James handled Jon and Ashley are absolutely false. I am a firsthand witness.
Even the posts you didn’t make up are posted by you so please take responsibility and work with us to heal the people who are wounded.
Please help us in our healing process from all this trauma. Surely you didn’t intend to hurt all these people. But are you willing to help us heal?
Our most recent casualties from this are equally devastating to other lives. You put my brother in contact with an ex-staff member and her friend and my brother falsely accused James to them. Now she is divided from her church family because of you.
Because of your inflammatory remarks that are false and gossipy, this man was inflamed, and James had to issue two warrants for his arrest. You put him in touch with my brother who also stirred this man up.
This could have been avoided but now this man’s life is turned upside down, our staff member is deeply traumatized and this division hurt them very deeply when we had just gotten her healed of past trauma.
You divided brethren and the Bible says that is a sin that God hates. (Pro. 8)
You see Peter, you let my brother spread false information about James when he was told by James and myself months ago that James had proof that he was legally married before, he does own his car, he does make the salary amount he said and he does not live in a one bedroom house.
So you let him spread false information after we already showed my mother and daughter the proof about these false accusations. James has provided proof for these things to these new witnesses because he cares about what people think.
About the man who has the arrest warrants:
He has since told us specifics about your conversations and has made a full confession to us. James will dismiss those charges when we go to court, but this is how bad it has gotten.
Again, if you will work with us on this we’ll forgive and move on 100 percent! Instantly. Just call or text us at 336-585-8080.
Here is the recent confession of 2 people you made stumble:
“Pastor James, Staff, Father Heart Congregation:
I want to be clear that the hate that I spewed towards Pastor James and the Father Heart Church was rooted in false information I received from people that were posting untrue, unfounded lies about Pastor James and the Father Heart Church.
After spending time with Pastor James and the staff last night, we were presented with information and evidence that refutes the claims made on line. I 100% take responsibility for the hurtful emails I sent and rescind the information as false and hurtful.
We are committed to not participating in any on line gossip or talking with those that are trying to harm either Pastor James or Father Heart Church.
We will never slander Pastor James or the Father Heart Church again but will rather participate in the forgiveness we’ve been granted and the reconciliation that takes place with that forgiveness.
I will continue to pray for those that have chosen a different path and continue to attack Pastor James and the Father Heart Ministry, that they may seek the path of forgiveness and reconciliation.
Please take this from a man of faith that you have my word that I understand the harm of my angry outbursts, I’ve been forgiven through grace by God, Pastor James, and the Father Heart Ministry Staff. I will never speak evil of any kind against Pastor James or the Father Heart Ministry again in my life.”
Peter we had a staff meeting with these people where we were told, and we have it documented, that you told them straight out lies about James.
They told us you are connecting others who are telling straight out lies about James and our church. We have the specifics detailed and documented.
Will you please come clean and contact us? You also gossiped to my daughter’s father and caused much grief and pain between my daughter, her father and my mother. And the false claims you are publicizing are making many other people stumble.
I understand that James has a past but so do I and everyone else I know. Please help us heal and stop hurting us and those we love.
If you would have just come to us and James you would have seen clearly that we are not a cult, and he is not the man he is portrayed to be by you and others.
Here is my recent testimony I made about James to our church.
James’ Character
Here is a little insight to the character of the man who is not only my fiancé, but is also my pastor.
One thing you’ll see right away is…
* He truly loves God and he truly loves people and is Kingdom minded
* He serves US, his church family, DAILY
* He speaks truth in love
* He’s protective of his flock
* He spends countless hours in prayer, seeking fresh Word for us DAILY
* Countless hours praying for US and our welfare
* Countless hours counseling and guiding those who need it; phone calls and messages
* He truly has compassion and passion to see people healed & whole, walking in freedom and living their best for God.
* A self-serving person simply would not pour themselves out for others
* He’s an integrous man
* He’s very honest
* And loves and honors truth and he cannot stand lies or compromise
* He is NOT 2-faced, or a hypocrite, or a pharisee
* He walks the talk - he doesn’t live one way in front of the camera and a different way off.
* He’s very forthcoming - he never hides his mistakes
* he was very honest and forthcoming at the very beginning of our relationship - even when it was such a hard thing to do, knowing it was possible that I wouldn’t be able to handle the truth of his past. He didn’t have to, but he chose to because he esteems truth, honor.
* He never judges or condemns others for their choices and past
* And he is quick to forgive and help others walk in forgiveness AND delivered from condemnation
* A very modest man
* In speech, in how he dresses, in his conduct with others, especially other women. I want to tell you that he is NEVER flirtatious with women. And he upholds modesty in our church as well.
* But he’s especially modest with me and around me; we don’t even open-mouth kiss
* He also loves my daughter a whole lot, and is a wonderful example for her and to her
Now Peter, Just in case you truly believe all the stuff you are perpetuating about our beloved church, I want to share my heart about our healthy growing church family, my fiancé and our staff.
We have around 60 official church members in 7 nations. Our staff is comprised of around 7 key leaders including an executive board with a president, treasurer and secretary. We also have small group leaders, care room facilitators, church hosts, prophetic facilitators and more.
James’s testimony with all of them is extremely good. They trust him because for 4 and a half years he has loved and served them at this online church and they can all attest that he is their loving, solid pastor.
Some of them have been with James daily for the entire 4 and one half years.
We are legitimate and legal with the government in every sense of the word. James is legally ordained and in no current moral failure and he is living above reproach.
Dear brother this is obviously not the way you see him or us but that is only because you have never contacted us to confront the things you suspect.
Jackie’s Testimony About Jon & Ashley
Dear Brother Peter,
I would like to introduce myself. My name is Jackie. I have known Pastor James for the past 3 ½ years, and at present, humbly serve in key leadership at Father Heart World Online Church.
Since you mentioned my name on your Facebook post, I felt compelled to appeal to you dear brother as we are commanded in Matthew 18.
Priscilla and I coached Ashly and Jonathan 3 times a week separately and collectively. They needed much love, support and healing.
1. They were only married for one year and were having marital problems.
2. Their landlord in PA had family returning in a month and needed the apartment that they currently lived in.
3. They both had trouble holding down consistent employment, so they didn’t have much money saved.
4. Time was running out, so we offered to have them come to Texas to live in our ministry mobile home free of charge as they sought employment and received much inner healing.
5. We met with them on zoom and walked them through the process quite delicately.
6. Ashly suffered from panic attacks and had to be rushed to the hospital many times.
7. On more than one occasion, Priscilla and I sent hundreds of dollars for electric bills and clothing to help them.
8. Only after they obtained employment, and began saving, did we ask them to start contributing towards the rent and utilities. Up to that point (almost 3 mos.) Nothing was asked of them upfront. Your testimony of Pastor James, myself, our staff and our church are 100 percent false.
9. After we asked them for rent money, they left without saying a word. No grievance, no thank you or nothing. We served them well and Pastor James fully delegated them under mine and Priscilla’s care so he cannot be blamed at all.
Jackie writes: I’m appealing to you as a brother in Christ, and in love, that we would pursue reconciliation and peace which is the heart of our Father.
We will absolutely forgive you Peter but please listen to our pleas and reconcile this.
From Stacy:
The Faults You Are Committing Against Us
You are sinning against me, my daughter, our church staff, our registered non-profit church family and the body of Christ globally. The Bible says go tell your brother his faults when he sins against you.
Since you accused our staff publicly, we are humbly coming to you privately as the first step in the process of reconciliation mentioned in Matthew 18.
15 “Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother. Matthew 18:15
Our Next Step
If you do not comply with step 1 in the Biblical process of reconciliation, we are going to follow Matthew 18 on to Step 2. We will bring 2 more spiritual people and come in the spirit of gentleness again.
A Brother Who Sins
15 If your brother sins against you go and confront him privately. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. 16 But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses… Matthew 18:15-16
Our Specific Request
We are gently requesting that you give us some indication by text or phone call that you are sorry for these destructive actions. Due to the urgent nature of these actions and because time is of the essence, we kindly urge you to contact Father Heart Church by cell text or phone call at 336-585-8080.
I, Stacy will be the contact person who answers this call or responds to your text.
Please do so no later than 11 pm EST tonight. (6-25-21)
Dear Peter, we plead and promise to you, if you will give us an indication of your willingness to repent, we will not move to step 2 in the Matthew 18 process of reconciliation and will offer 100 percent forgiveness.
If you do not contact me by 11 pm EST our staff will start preparing step 2 at that time.
Sincerely, Stacy