Recent Prophecies from The Watch Movement and House of David 

Casi’s Multiplying Disciples Vision (2/26/19)

On the same day that James wrote in The Watch manual about disciples making disciples, Casi prayed and saw herself carrying babies in each arm. As she was traveling around the world, her arms were getting longer and longer. She then turned around and saw her babies (disciples) carrying more babies.

Veronika West Prophetic Word (2/6/19) With HOD Commentary


As I looked as these women I was suddenly shown something frightening and yet sobering in the realm of the Spirit, I saw hundreds upon hundreds of dead bodies covered in white blankets, I saw a plague that broke out upon the land, a plague of sickness and infirmity. PRAY PRAY!! I CRY MERCY, I heard the Spirit Say, “TELL MY PEOPLE TO PUT THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB UPON THE DOORPOST OF THEIR HOMES, THE ANGEL OF DEATH WILL PASS OVER”.

HOD Commentary by Jonathan Davis (approved by Pastor James): This prophecy is being confirmed and will continue to be confirmed in these last days. The Lord is judging the nations because of the murderous practice of abortion and other abominations. House of David is called to be a watchman on the wall and the Lord has spoken to us and other prophetic ministries about natural disasters being a form of this judgment.

On March 3, 2019, a tornado struck portions of Alabama and killed 23 people. Firstly, we pray for and mourn with the families of those who were wounded and killed. We do believe however that this tornado is a judgment, a warning to America and a partial fulfillment of Veronika’s prophecy. Some of our church members and interns have had prophecies around this time regarding tornadoes and winds that confirm this belief. We pray every night for these abominations to end in America and will continue to until they are stopped and the blood of innocent babies is no longer spilled.